My Handsome Radio Blog
The first Internet outliner.

Friday, April 27, 2001
Craig Burton tutorial: Radio Remote Access.   12:04:22 PM {editButton}
Thursday, April 19, 2001
Joshua Allen verifies that Radio works on Windows XP. [Scripting News]   5:40:57 PM {editButton}
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
Today's Craig Burton tutorial is on channels in Radio. It's by far the best docs on our software. I hope everyone runs his latest tutorial, it's a Java window, he presses all the buttons and narrates. Craig talks very slowly and explains everything. His tutorials are eye-openers. [Scripting News]   1:41:07 PM {editButton}
Wednesday, April 04, 2001
The editor of soapbox, which I admire, posted a newbie intro to Radio as a weblog tool. Gotta love it. [Scripting News]   3:35:47 PM {editButton}
Friday, March 23, 2001
Here's the most interesting Radio Blog I've seen so far, but understand that I've been looking for something like this ever since we released the beta of the decentralized blogging tool in Radio. It's the zig to Blogger's centralized zag. (Or the blig to its blog?) As Blogger has grown, it's climbing a scaling wall, and the performance has suffered, much as the performance of Weblogs.Com has suffered as it has grown. [Scripting News]   10:42:59 AM {editButton}
Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Marty Heyman warns: "Radio is an Insidious Plot for global domination by Userland Software!" [Scripting News]   1:35:45 PM {editButton}
Sunday, March 18, 2001
Oliver Wrede: Golden Rules for Newbies to Frontier and Radio UserLand.    2:16:23 PM {editButton}
For tomorrow's press release. "Radio UserLand is at the sweet spot of the next generation of the Internet, bringing together XML-based web services, a decentralized approach to computing and the power of software," said Charles Fitzgerald, director of business strategy in the platform strategy group at Microsoft. "This next generation of the Internet promises more control for end users and renewed opportunity for developers."    2:15:26 PM {editButton}
© Copyright 2001 Dave Winer,
Last update: 4/27/2001; 12:05:02 PM.