
News and commentary from the cross-platform scripting community.
cactus Mail Starting 6/26/97

From: james.e.hoburg@lucent.com (James E. Hoburg);
Sent at 6/27/97; 9:49:20 AM;
CDA Overturned

The fight for free speech on the Internet has just begun: speakers 1, censors 0. Easy to be carried away by the giddiness of the moment, but the censors are resourceful and far from finished.

From: SNS@aa.net (George Smith @ SNS);
Sent at 6/26/97; 11:52:13 AM;
Re:800 Words on Java

While I agree with most of what you said about Java (especially the "Leaderlessness" of it) and the Net/WWW in general, there are two aspects of Java that I believe you are either: "wrong" on, or simply don't appreciate.

1st) Java is a really "nice" language. I have been programming for 24 years in: CDC Basic, Fortran, Pascal (& Delphi), PL/I, Cobol, Assembly (8080, Z80, IBM 360, & 80x86), C, C++, DEC Basic Plus, Visual Basic, & now Java. While I really "like" coding in 'C', as a 'Language' Java is probably the BEST! (ya-ya, the Java 'Environments' STINK!, but I'm talking the 'Language'. The 'Environments' will evolve, after all, IBM has basically 'bet' the company on it!)

2nd) "Write Once, Run Anywhere" - Yes this is NOT true (yet)! But is it a laudable goal? Absolutely! A couple of years ago, I read "Earth" by David Brin, and found the idea of a "World Wide" computer network ALL capable of running the same "code" (and the ability to accept the code to run from the net) VERY powerful! Given the choice of a ubiquitous computer platform to be either: Java Byte Code, or WinTel; I for one vote for Java Byte Code!

From: jhebert@compu-aid.com (Jim Hebert);
Sent at 6/26/97; 2:06:55 PM;
Great CDA Coverage, thanks!

You've been there from the beginning on the CDA Coverage, so it was only fitting that I learned from stopping by your news page today that it was overturned.

I read the text of the decision, and then on a hunch, hit reload on your page -- blammo, more links already. I love it!

From: cameron@michweb.net (Cameron Barrett);
Sent at 6/26/97; 1:46:24 PM;
wewon.dave.gif (CDA)


From: tinman@xnet.com (David Newman);
Sent at 6/26/97; 11:49:55 AM;
Re:Party Today!

Well, I can't join ya in S.F, but I can go celebrate in Grant Park. It still amazes me that we have a judical system that can work. So many nations, even "democracies", have judical systems that just rubber stamp the laws layed down by those in power.

--Dave (in Chicago these days) Newman

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