(Prev Next) Part of UserLand's MIDAS Website. Wednesday, August 27, 1997.

C source code for Base 64

Here's the C source code for the Base 64 encoder/decoder.

Created:Saturday, April 5, 1997; 1:30:13 PM
Modified: Tuesday, April 8, 1997; 7:52:28 AM

Dave Winer, dwiner@well.com, UserLand Software, 4/7/97
I built this project using Symantec C++ 7.0.4 on a Mac 9500.
We needed a handle-based Base 64 encoder/decoder. Looked around the
net, found a bunch of code that couldn't easily be adapted to 
in-memory stuff. Most of them work on files to conserve memory. This
is inelegant in scripting environments such as Frontier.
Anyway, so I wrote an encoder/decoder. Docs are being maintained 
on the web, and updates at:
If you port this code to another platform please put the result up
on a website, and send me a pointer. Also send email if you think this
isn't a compatible implementation of Base 64 encoding.
BTW, I made it easy to port -- layering out the handle access routines.
Of course there's a small performance penalty for this, and if you don't
like it, change it. Thanks!
#include <appletdefs.h>
#include <iac.h>
#include "base64.h"
static char encodingTable [64] = {
static unsigned long gethandlesize (Handle h) {
	return (GetHandleSize (h));
	} /*gethandlesize*/
static boolean sethandlesize (Handle h, unsigned long newsize) {
	SetHandleSize (h, newsize);
	return (MemError () == noErr);
	} /*sethandlesize*/
static unsigned char gethandlechar (Handle h, unsigned long ix) {
	return ((*h) [ix]);
	} /*gethandlechar*/
static void sethandlechar (Handle h, unsigned long ix, unsigned char ch) {
	(*h) [ix] = ch;
	} /*sethandlechar*/
static boolean encodeHandle (Handle htext, Handle h64, short linelength) { 
	encode the handle. some funny stuff about linelength -- it only makes
	sense to make it a multiple of 4. if it's not a multiple of 4, we make it
	so (by only checking it every 4 characters. 
	further, if it's 0, we don't add any line breaks at all.
	unsigned long ixtext;
	unsigned long lentext;
	unsigned long origsize;
	long ctremaining;
	unsigned char ch;
	unsigned char inbuf [3], outbuf [4];
	short i;
	short charsonline = 0, ctcopy;
	ixtext = 0;
	lentext = gethandlesize (htext);
	while (true) {
		ctremaining = lentext - ixtext;
		if (ctremaining <= 0)
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 
			unsigned long ix = ixtext + i;
			if (ix < lentext)
				inbuf [i] = gethandlechar (htext, ix);
				inbuf [i] = 0;
			} /*for*/
		outbuf [0] = (inbuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2;
		outbuf [1] = ((inbuf [0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((inbuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
		outbuf [2] = ((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((inbuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6);
		outbuf [3] = inbuf [2] & 0x3F;
		origsize = gethandlesize (h64);
		if (!sethandlesize (h64, origsize + 4))
			return (false);
		ctcopy = 4;
		switch (ctremaining) {
			case 1: 
				ctcopy = 2; 
			case 2: 
				ctcopy = 3; 
			} /*switch*/
		for (i = 0; i < ctcopy; i++)
			sethandlechar (h64, origsize + i, encodingTable [outbuf [i]]);
		for (i = ctcopy; i < 4; i++)
			sethandlechar (h64, origsize + i, '=');
		ixtext += 3;
		charsonline += 4;
		if (linelength > 0) { /*DW 4/8/97 -- 0 means no line breaks*/
			if (charsonline >= linelength) {
				charsonline = 0;
				origsize = gethandlesize (h64);
				if (!sethandlesize (h64, origsize + 1))
					return (false);
				sethandlechar (h64, origsize, '\n');
		} /*while*/
	return (true);
	} /*encodeHandle*/
static boolean decodeHandle (Handle h64, Handle htext) {
	unsigned long ixtext;
	unsigned long lentext;
	unsigned long origsize;
	unsigned long ctremaining;
	unsigned char ch;
	unsigned char inbuf [3], outbuf [4];
	short i, ixinbuf;
	boolean flignore;
	boolean flendtext = false;
	ixtext = 0;
	lentext = gethandlesize (h64);
	ixinbuf = 0;
	while (true) {
		if (ixtext >= lentext)
		ch = gethandlechar (h64, ixtext++);
		flignore = false;
		if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))
			ch = ch - 'A';
		else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z'))
			ch = ch - 'a' + 26;
		else if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
			ch = ch - '0' + 52;
		else if (ch == '+')
			ch = 62;
		else if (ch == '=') /*no op -- can't ignore this one*/
			flendtext = true;
		else if (ch == '/')
			ch = 63;
			flignore = true; 
		if (!flignore) {
			short ctcharsinbuf = 3;
			boolean flbreak = false;
			if (flendtext) {
				if (ixinbuf == 0)
				if ((ixinbuf == 1) || (ixinbuf == 2))
					ctcharsinbuf = 1;
					ctcharsinbuf = 2;
				ixinbuf = 3;
				flbreak = true;
			inbuf [ixinbuf++] = ch;
			if (ixinbuf == 4) {
				ixinbuf = 0;
				outbuf [0] = (inbuf [0] << 2) | ((inbuf [1] & 0x30) >> 4);
				outbuf [1] = ((inbuf [1] & 0x0F) << 4) | ((inbuf [2] & 0x3C) >> 2);
				outbuf [2] = ((inbuf [2] & 0x03) << 6) | (inbuf [3] & 0x3F);
				origsize = gethandlesize (htext);
				if (!sethandlesize (htext, origsize + ctcharsinbuf))
					return (false);
				for (i = 0; i < ctcharsinbuf; i++) 
					sethandlechar (htext, origsize + i, outbuf [i]);
			if (flbreak)
		} /*while*/
	return (true);
	} /*decodeHandle*/
void base64encodeVerb (void) {
	Handle h64, htext;
	short linelength;
	if (!IACgettextparam ((OSType) keyDirectObject, &htext))
	if (!IACgetshortparam ((OSType) 'line', &linelength))
	h64 = NewHandle (0);
	if (!encodeHandle (htext, h64, linelength))
		goto error;
	DisposHandle (htext);
	IACreturntext (h64);
	IACreturnerror (1, "\perror encoding the Base 64 text");
	} /*base64encodeVerb*/
void base64decodeVerb (void) {
	Handle h64, htext;
	if (!IACgettextparam ((OSType) keyDirectObject, &h64))
	htext = NewHandle (0);
	if (!decodeHandle (h64, htext))
		goto error;
	DisposHandle (h64);
	IACreturntext (htext);
	IACreturnerror (1, "\perror decoding the Base 64 text");
	} /*base64decodeVerb*/

This page was last built with Frontier on a Macintosh on Wednesday, August 27, 1997 at 7:34:51 PM. Thanks for checking it out! Dave