211 is a losing proposition

Proposition 211 is bad for the California economy. It could pass. If it does, businesses will leave the state, and with them, good California jobs, and the bright futures of many young Californians.

Even worse for many Californians on fixed incomes, Proposition 211 would mean a decrease in shareholder value. It's bad news for corporations that do business in California, and therefore it's bad news for people who own those companies. People like you.

If you are part of a pension plan, or own mutual funds, or have a retirement investment plan, you will be affected, Proposition 211 will cost you money.

Can you afford it? Think carefully. Look past the gaudy claims. This proposition means more lawsuits and that means more rich lawyers. It doesn't really protect shareholders any more than current legal safeguards.

It's a transfer-the-wealth idea, and if you happen to be an attorney, it's a good idea. For everyone else, 211 is a losing proposition.

Please vote No on Proposition 211 on Tuesday November 5, 1996. Thanks!