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Permanent link to archive for Sunday, December 09, 2001. Sunday, December 09, 2001

Good morning programmers and designers. 

Glenn Fleishman: "The courts are our only defense against executive power that runs amok." 

Interesting discussion of filesystem-level metadata and Mac OS X. In a cross-platform environment there really is no choice but to indicate file type and creator using the file's extension. The Mac did it right in the beginning, and stored the file type and creator in the file system and filenames were entirely up to the user. But the rest of the world wasn't so hip. If I were making the call at Apple I'd do what they did, punt on the feature, say uncle to Windows and Unix. But some Mac users aren't going along with it. 

Adam Curry's mind is going amok about email. 

eZ systems XML-RPC for PHP, C++. 55 implementations

NY Times: The Year in Ideas. No permalink? 

Word of the day: Investigate. "To observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically." 

Wired: "At the heart of Segway's detection system are solid-state, silicon gyroscopes that are about the size of the tip of a pencil." 

It almost goes without saying that I think Joel is indulging in premature congratulation. A little pushback from a friendly competitor. If Joel doesn't support XML, his users are going to suffer at least a little lock-in. Not everyone in Silicon Valley eats at Buck's and attends Stanford seminars. And Joel, some people do like editing Web pages in the browser. It's very convenient and easy. Software design is about trade-offs, lots of compromises, hope you find a sweet spot. I've said it many times -- editing in the browser is the best way to do it, and the worst way. But editing in another app has difficulties too. Wouldn't it be great if the browser vendors took editing seriously? That would be the best of both worlds. 

The race is on for the heart of Segway on Google. Paul Nakada's Segway News is #3. It's surprising that the #1 link isn't related to the scooter. I suspect that will change. I'm rooting for Paul's site, so I linked to it to the left. Google thinks one of those links is worth a lot. Even though Paul's site is new I think he'll stick with it, he's a longtime blogger, and a friend of UserLand. Go Paul! 

BTW, just for fun, now I've got the #2 link for John Doerr. I'm going for #1. Back in the old days of Silicon Valley, this might have been considered a "funding event."  

Demon of the Year 

I've started my 2001 awards list. It's coming together nicely. I expect to spend a few more days and then announce the nominees. Now there are nine categories. I'm sure there will be some arguments about who's in which category. Oh la. I'm having fun with it. Questions. When should we open voting? How long should the voting stay open? And if you didn't get nominated in 2001, there's always 2002.

My favorite category so far is "Demon of the Year." Microsoft of course is nominated, for Smart Tags, as is Amazon for patent abuse. The US Department of Justice is nominated twice, once for their settlement with Microsoft, and a special call-out to Attorney General John Ashcroft for undermining free speech. Luckily for me, Scripting News will not be nominated in any category, so I can't self-nominate for Demon of 2001.

"It's even worse than it appears."

Awards criteria 

As I've put together the list I've also taken some notes on what makes a weblog award-winning, imho. Here are those notes.

Sites must update regularly without huge lapses.

Some longevity, or an expectation of longevity. I don't want to recommend sites that I think might go away soon.

They're sites I find interesting. No claim of an exhaustive search is made.

What makes a site interesting for me is that they have interesting links, the author has something to say, I get a sweaty mouse finger when I see that they've updated, and it doesn't seem to matter if I like them or not. "It hurts so good." I'm going to nominate some people who aren't friends. Let's see if they win.

BTW, the awards don't have a name yet. The Bloggies? Scripting News Awards. Hmmm. Have to give this some thought. We also need to have a virtual trophy for people to put on their sites (if they choose to -- I would). I'm graphics-impaired. Help is appreciated, with credit of course.


Last update: Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 4:22 PM Eastern.

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