Weblog Archive >  2007 >  February >  21


Celebrating 10 years

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 by Dave Winer.

A picture named ht.jpgI've now got an idea how to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Scripting News, on April 1, just 38 days from now. It came to me after I got a note from a dear friend, Tori, who lives in Texas, who I haven't seen in (too many) years. She explained: "I was just catching up on your blog and saw the post about your surgery. Dude. I'm glad you're ok. I got goose bumps reading about Dave Jacobs' project. You and your friends change the world." Permalink to this paragraph

Now there's so much value in this email, for me.  Permalink to this paragraph

First, I had no idea that Tori was reading my blog.  Permalink to this paragraph

Second, it reminded me that Dave Jacobs is an amazing guy. Permalink to this paragraph

Third, it reminded me that I have amazing friends. Permalink to this paragraph

And fourth, and most important, it suggested that there may be people I haven't heard from in a long time who stay current with me through this site. Which is cool, but... Permalink to this paragraph

I want to know how they're doing! Too.  Permalink to this paragraph

What's up. Had any kids? What have you learned lately? How's your health? The family? What are you thinking about these days. Been to any good parties? Gotten in trouble? (I hope.) Permalink to this paragraph

This connected up with a discussion I have been having with Sylvia, and with the Bloghers, Elisa, Jory and Lisa. I want everyone to write something, let's create a document on the 10-year anniversary of Scripting News, about anything that occurs to you that might in any way, no matter how loosely, relate to SN, blogging, surgery, Dave, podcasting, coral reefs and sunken ships, RSS, outlines, desktop art, thank you money, my friends -- whatever you think is important that might belong in a time-capsule-like document attached to this blog. Permalink to this paragraph

Sylvia tells me there is a name for something like this: festschrift. Of course there's a Wikipedia page. Permalink to this paragraph

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festschrift ;Permalink to this paragraph

To me, this would be the perfect commemoration, the ideal way to party in the ScriptingNews-o-Sphere. Permalink to this paragraph

What do you think? Permalink to this paragraph

© Copyright 1994-2007 Dave Winer. Last update: 2/28/2007; 6:49:54 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."