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A browser feature that would make me happy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007 by Dave Winer.

I'd like a preference that told the browser to remember the text size option on a per-website basis. Permalink to this paragraph

Some people use styles that make the text too small to read. So I make the text larger. Then I navigate away. Make the text smaller. Permalink to this paragraph

Too much work. Permalink to this paragraph

It would be nice if the browser popped up a dialog asking if I'd like it to remember this text size for this site for the next time I go there. Permalink to this paragraph

Crazy Bob says NoSquint is just the thing! Permalink to this paragraph

Jason Lefkowitz found something even better -- a minimum font size preference. I just tried setting it to 13 and already some sites are more readable (like Gmail). Thanks!! Permalink to this paragraph

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Last update: 4/26/2007; 12:45:08 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."

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